The Foot

Acute Effect of Inhibitory Kinesio Tape on Range of Motion, Dynamic Balance, and Gait in Athletes with Hamstring Shortness

Sara Fereydounniaa, Azadeh Shadmehra, Parsa Salemi

Physical Therapy Department, School of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


The Foot

The Foot


Objective The goal of the present study was to investigate the acute effects of kinesio tape on range of motion (ROM), perceived stiffness, and kinetic parameters in athletes with hamstring shortness. Methods Fifteen athletes with bilateral hamstring shortness were divided randomly into intervention (inhibitory application of kinesio tape plus static stretching) and control (static stretching) groups. Outcome measures were straight leg raise (SLR), active knee extension (AKE) tests for ROM, visual analogue scale (VAS) for perceived stiffness and kinetic parameters which are recorded and calculated by Moticon SCIENCE insoles during four functional performance task of single leg stance (SLS), slow and fast walking and running. Results ROM, stiffness, and kinetic parameters examined with insoles during SLS and walking tasks changed in both the intervention and control groups (P < 0.05). Furthermore, study groups were different in some variables. The increase in ROM in SLR test and the decrease in perceived stiffness in the intervention group were more evident than in the control group (P = 0.03 and P = 0.001, respectively).There was no difference between the intervention and control groups for the variables in SLS test, slow and fast walking, and running tasks, except for the mean swing duration (MSWD) (P = 0.002) in fast walking. Conclusion The static stretching alone and the kinesio tape plus static stretching could change many of the kinetic parameters during walking and balance tasks, but the rate of these changes were more significant with kinesio tape plus stretching compared to the stretching alone.

Moticon's Schlussfolgerungen

In this study the authors examined the effect of kinesio taping in combination with a static stretching routine on range of motion, dynamic balance and gait. Testing was performed with a population of athletes with hamstring shortness. Participants had to perform a series of gait and balance tasks. Both the intervention and control group performed stretching routines, additionally kinesio taping was administered in the intervention group. Moticon sensor insoles were used to obtain force and sptiotemporal parameters during the movement tasks. The authors found changes in the collected parameters in both the stretching and the combined stretching and kinesio taping group following the intervention. However, changes in the intervention group exceeded those in the control group.

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