Advanced Engineering Informatics

Fall risk assessment of construction workers based on biomechanical gait stability parameters using wearable insole pressure system

Maxwell Fordjour Antwi-Afari, Heng Li

Department of Building and Real Estate, Faculty of Construction and Environment, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong


Biomechanical gait stability parameters, Extrinsic fall risk factors, Foot plantar pressure patterns, Loss of balance events, Wearable insole pressure system

Biomechanical gait stability parameters, Extrinsic fall risk factors, Foot plantar pressure patterns, Loss of balance events, Wearable insole pressure system


Falls on the same level are a leading cause of non-fatal injuries in the construction industry, and loss of balance events are the primarily contributory risk factors associated with workers’ fall injuries. Previous studies have indicated that changes in biomechanical gait stability parameters provide substantial safety gait metrics for assessing workers’ fall risks. However, scant research has been conducted on changes in biomechanical gait stability parameters based on foot plantar pressure patterns to assess workers’ fall risks. This research examined the changes in spatial foot regions and loss of balance events associated with biomechanical gait stability parameters based on foot plantar pressure patterns measured by wearable insole pressure system. To test the hypotheses of this study, ten asymptomatic participants conducted laboratory simulated loss of balance events which are often initiated by extrinsic fall risk factors. Our results found: (1) statistically significant differences in biomechanical gait stability parameters between spatial foot regions, especially with the peak pressure parameter; and (2) statistically significant differences in biomechanical gait stability parameters between loss of balance events when compared to normal gait (baseline), especially with the pressure-time integral parameter. Overall, the findings of this study not only provide useful safety gait metrics for early detection of specific spatial foot regions but also allow safety managers to understand the mechanism of loss of balance events in order to implement proactive fall-prevention strategies.

Moticon's Schlussfolgerungen

Falls, particularly on the same level, significantly contribute to workplace injuries in construction. This study investigates the detection of spatial foot regions and loss of balance events in construction workers using biomechanical gait stability parameters from foot plantar pressure patterns. Ten healthy participants, who were outfitted with Moticon sensor insoles to record plantar pressures, performed simulated loss of balance events. Results showed significant differences in biomechanical parameters across spatial foot regions and loss of balance events, with peak pressure and pressure-time integral parameters being particularly sensitive. The study concludes that foot plantar pressure patterns offer valuable safety metrics for identifying hazardous conditions and can enhance proactive fall-prevention strategies. By leveraging sensor insoles, this method presents a non-intrusive, practical approach for continuous fall risk assessment, potentially improving construction site safety by enabling better monitoring and intervention practices.

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