The OpenGo Software provides tools for turning the stream of foot pressure data measured by OpenGo Sensor Insoles into accumulated pressure distributions. These pressure distributions help identify characteristics of the data and thus reduce it to key messages.
Foot pressure tools overview
The following foot pressure tools are available:
- Schnappschuss
- Mean
- Max
- Diff
- DiffMean
- DiffMax
- Max PC
- Cluster
In the below descriptions of these tools, the term “single-frame measurement” denotes a measurement in the OpenGo Software which only contains a single data sample (in terms of pressure, just a single 16-value pressure distribution), and no stream of data over time.
Tip: If you want to use the following tools only on certain data portions or sequences, you can use the duplicate/cut/crop functionalities to prepare the data.
Snapshot tool
The snapshot tool generates a new single-frame measurement, which contains the data of the current cursor position.
In a typical workflow, snapshots at different time points of interest are taken, and subsequently the diff tool is applied to compare the respective foot pressure distributions.
Mean tool
The mean tool computes the mean foot pressure value for each of the 16 pressure sensors, respectively, and provides it as a new single-frame measurement.
Max tool
The max tool computes the maximum foot pressure value for each of the 16 pressure sensors, respectively, and provides it as a new single-frame measurement.
Diff tool
The diff tool takes two single-frame measurements as input, and generates a new single-frame measurement containing the differential values per pressure value (i.e. sensor). The foot pressure widgets are able to display negative values, as negative values can result from this operation.
Diff mean tool
The diff mean tool is a combination of the mean tool followed by the diff tool. It requires two measurements as input.
Diff max tool
The diff max tool is a combination of the max tool followed by the diff tool. It requires two measurements as input.
Max PC tool
In contrast to the above, the maximum foot pressure channel (max PC) tool does not generate a new single-frame measurement, but instead adds four new data channels to an existing measurement (two for left, and two for right):
- The pressure max is a curve/signal which equals, at each moment in time, the maximum pressure value from all available 16 pressure values.
- The pressure max channel identifies the data channel, i.e. pressure sensor, which in the given moment shows the highest pressure (value in range [0…15]).
If, at a given moment in time, sensor S3 has the highest value among all 16 pressure values, e.g. 25.0 N/cm², then the pressure max equals 25.0 N/cm², and the pressure max channel is 2 (denoting sensor S3).
Cluster tool
Using the cluster tool, sums of input pressure channels can be computed. Similar to the max PC tool, the cluster tool adds new data channels to an existing measurement.