Januar 2025

Grant Approval to Advance German-Canadian Healthtech Collaboration for AI-Driven Multiple Sclerosis Gait Monitoring Solution

Moticon and Celestra Health's AI-driven MS patient monitoring proposal secures up to $400,000 from ZIM-IRAP, advancing wearable sensor insoles and AI gait algorithms for better MS care.
Moticon and Celestra Health ZIM-IRAP grant announcement for AI-driven MS patient monitoring.

We are very proud to announce our joint selection for the German/Canadian ZIM-IRAP grant program, together with our long-term strategic business partner Celestra Health, securing up to $400,000 USD in non-dilutive funding. In a fiercely competitive pool of applicants, our proposal for an advanced, AI-driven patient monitoring platform for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) was recently approved. The grant will be applied to the development of Moticon’s next generation wireless sensor insole product tailored for continuous patient monitoring as well as to expanding Celestra Health’s suite of AI-based gait measurement algorithms.

The project includes advancements in cutting edge digital health technology to improve the lives of MS patients by objectively measuring changes in walking quality over time, thereby serving as an early warning system for detecting changes in disease condition. From a quality-of-life perspective, walking is typically ranked #1 by patients and is an equally important factor for clinical evaluations. By providing clinicians with a tool that measures walking quality with laboratory-grade precision under real world conditions, at 1/100 the cost of conventional solutions, clinicians will be able to intervene sooner and make better informed treatment decisions.

„The funds of this ZIM-IRAP program allow us to overcome some fundamental technological challenges we still face and to significantly accelerate the commercialization of Moticon’s sensor insole technology at scale. All of this happens in a profoundly rewarding market, with the potential to make a difference in the lives of MS patients globally. It will also generate highly positive side effects on our other business endeavour in performance sports“, Moticon’s CEO Dr. Maximilian Mueller stated. On the German side, the program is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

“We are pleased to announce that we are now receiving advisory services and funding from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP), to expand the depth and breadth of our AI gait algorithms and to expand our clinical trials”, stated Celestra Health’s CEO Bruce Ford. “By combining our AI-based cloud platform with Moticon’s cutting-edge next generation wearable technology, we expect to achieve significant differentiation in the market”.

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