Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology

Long-term continuous instrumented insole-based gait analyses in daily life have advantages over longitudinal gait analyses in the lab to monitor healing of tibial fractures

Elke Warmerdam, Christian Wolff, Marcel Orth, Tim Pohlemann, Bergita Ganse

Werner Siemens-Endowed Chair for Innovative Implant Development (Fracture Healing), Departments and Institutes of Surgery, Saarland University, Homburg, Germany


digital medicine, fracture, ground reaction force, injury, pedography, postoperative treatment, rehabilitation, wearable sensors

digital medicine, fracture, ground reaction force, injury, pedography, postoperative treatment, rehabilitation, wearable sensors


Introduction: Monitoring changes in gait during rehabilitation allows early detection of complications. Laboratory-based gait analyses proved valuable for longitudinal monitoring of lower leg fracture healing. However, continuous gait data recorded in the daily life may be superior due to a higher temporal resolution and differences in behavior. In this study, ground reaction force-based gait data of instrumented insoles from longitudinal intermittent laboratory assessments were compared to monitoring in daily life. Methods: Straight walking data of patients were collected during clinical visits and in between those visits the instrumented insoles recorded all stepping activities of the patients during daily life. Results: Out of 16 patients, due to technical and compliance issues, only six delivered sufficient datasets of about 12 weeks. Stance duration was longer (p = 0.004) and gait was more asymmetric during daily life (asymmetry of maximal force p < 0.001, loading slope p = 0.001, unloading slope p < 0.001, stance duration p < 0.001). Discussion: The differences between the laboratory assessments and the daily-life monitoring could be caused by a different and more diverse behavior during daily life. The daily life gait parameters significantly improved over time with union. One of the patients developed an infected non-union and showed worsening of force-related gait parameters, which was earlier detectable in the continuous daily life gait data compared to the lab data. Therefore, continuous gait monitoring in the daily life has potential to detect healing problems early on. Continuous monitoring with instrumented insoles has advantages once technical and compliance problems are solved.

Moticon's Schlussfolgerungen

This study addresses the challenge of monitoring fracture healing in lower leg fractures, which fail to heal in 5-10% of cases. Traditional methods such as clinical impressions and radiographic imaging are inadequate for early prediction of non-unions or delays in healing. This research explores the efficacy of continuous gait monitoring using sensor insoles in monitoring lower leg fracture healing. The study involved a prospective cohort of 31 patients with tibial fractures, comparing lab-based assessments with continuous daily life recordings. Gait parameters were recorded using OpenGo sensor insoles in both test groups respectively. Results indicated significant differences in stance duration and gait asymmetry between lab and real-life measurements, but not in force-related parameters. Continuous monitoring showed significant improvements in gait parameters over the first three months, highlighting its potential for early detection of healing issues. The study concludes that continuous gait monitoring offers a promising approach to improving fracture healing assessments.

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