
Potential of IMU Sensors in Performance Analysis of Professional Alpine Skiers

Gwangjae Yu, Young Jae Jang, Jinhyeok Kim, Jin Hae Ki, Hye Young Kim, Kitae Kim, Siddhartha Bikram Panday

Industrial Engineering & Management Research Institute, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon


IMU sensor, performance evaluation, stability, alpine skiing

IMU sensor, performance evaluation, stability, alpine skiing


In this paper, we present an analysis to identify a sensor location for an inertial measurement unit (IMU) on the body of a skier and propose the best location to capture turn motions for training. We also validate the manner in which the data from the IMU sensor on the proposed location can characterize ski turns and performance with a series of statistical analyses, including a comparison with data collected from foot pressure sensors. The goal of the study is to logically identify the ideal location on the skier’s body to attach the IMU sensor and the best use of the data collected for the skier. The statistical analyses and the hierarchical clustering method indicate that the pelvis is the best location for attachment of an IMU, and numerical validation shows that the data collected from this location can effectively estimate the performance and characteristics of the skier. Moreover, placement of the sensor at this location does not distract the skier’s motion, and the sensor can be easily attached and detached. The findings of this study can be used for the development of a wearable device for the routine training of professional skiers.

Moticon's Schlussfolgerungen

The study addresses the integration of technology, specifically Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors, in professional alpine skiing to enhance performance analysis and training. It explores the optimal placement of IMU sensors on skiers to effectively capture motion data without impeding performance. A professional skier was equipped with 16 IMU sensors and Moticon sensor insoles during downhill turns to identify the best sensor location. Statistical analyses revealed that the pelvis is the optimal site for sensor placement, providing accurate and least distracting data collection. Results showed that data from the pelvis IMU sensor could effectively analyze ski turn characteristics and detect lateral-asymmetry and adaptation effects in training. The study concludes that IMU sensors at the pelvis offer a viable solution for real-time performance feedback in alpine skiing, paving the way for future developments in wearable sports technology.

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