Juli 2020

The 2 Minute Walk Test’s outcome parameters


The 2-Minute Walk Test is essential for assessing walking capacity and endurance, providing a quick snapshot of physical function in diverse populations.
2 minute walk test for functional capacity and self-paced walking ability

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The 2 Minute Walk Test is a valuable tool for assessing walking capacity and functional mobility in various populations, offering a quick snapshot of an individual’s endurance and physical function.

The main outcome parameter of the 2 Minute Walk Test is the total distance walked (Fig-1, top left). Apart from this, the ReGo system offers a variety of other outcome parameters to gain a deeper insight into a patient’s performance.

Graphical analysis of the 2-Minute Walk Test showing various outcome parameters, including total distance walked and load distribution
Fig-1: Understanding the 2 Minute Walk Test and Its Outcome Parameters

In this example, a young female athlete suffered a slipping of the right femoral head and was only allowed to partially bear weight on her right leg after surgery. For this reason, the mean and maximum forces on the right are lower than on the left leg (Fig-1, bottom left).

This is accompanied by the fact that the right gait line is significantly shorter than the left because the foot was carefully placed on the ground (Fig-1, middle).

The Load Histogram (Fig-1, right) is a valuable tool to check whether the patient can comply with the partial weight-bearing requirement: In this example, the patient loaded her right leg with 30 kg for 10% of all stance phases, which is too high as the limit was only 20 kg.
Fill out the form on the right to receive a PDF document which contains a complete parameter list and parameter descriptions. The document also contains the test description and additional information as indicated in the ReGo 2 Minute Walk article.

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