The most important outcome parameter of the Single Leg Jump Distance is jump distance (see Fig-1, left). Besides the primary outcome jump distance, a variety of qualitative outcome parameters are available for each ReGo test.
For instance, the outcome parameter Stabilization Progression (Fig-1, middle) displays the velocity of the foot’s center of pressure (COP) after landing. As the quantitative counterpart, Time to Stabilization (Fig-1, right) specifies the duration until the COP’s velocity falls below the stabilization limit. Stabilization Progression and Time to Stabilization are valuable outcomes in terms of landing stability of both sides and thus symmetry. Looking at more than just jump distance helps to make better decisions in the return to sports (RTS) process.
Fill out the form on the right to receive a PDF document which contains a complete parameter list and parameter descriptions. The document also contains the test description and additional information as indicated in the ReGo Single Leg Jump Distance article.