The Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test is a commonly used clinical assessment tool to evaluate a person’s mobility, balance, walking ability, and fall risk. It is particularly useful for identifying balance and gait problems, especially in elderly individuals and patients with neurological disorders.
The key outcome parameter of the TUG test is the total time needed to complete the test (Timed Up and Go Time, Fig-1, top left). The Stand Up Response Time is the time needed from start signal to when the subject starts getting up from the chair as a measure of responsiveness. The Walking Speed (Fig-1, bottom left) is related to the Timed Up and Go Time.
The ReGo system provides further valuable information about a patient’s gait, such as Cadence and Stride Length (Fig-1, middle). Furthermore, the Initial and Final Ground Contact Points (Fig-1, right) represent the center of pressure (COP) at the respective timepoints. This example shows a high dispersion of the Initial and Final Ground Contact Points, which can occur in neurological diseases, for instance.
Fill out the form on the right to receive a PDF document which contains a complete parameter list and parameter descriptions. The document also contains the test description and additional information as indicated in the ReGo Timed Up and Go article.