May 2023

Foot pressure related outcomes of the OpenGo gait report


Learn about the different foot pressure distributions computed by the OpenGo gait report, and how they are exported to spreadsheets.
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The gait report module of the OpenGo Software provides several foot pressure related parameters for gait analysis. The gait report automatically detects steps and step events, and uses these events to compute gait phase specific plantar pressure distributions.

These pressure distributions can be visually inspected using the gait report widgets of the Analyze section. Different widget types are available for this. Moreover, the foot pressure distributions can also be exported to a spreadsheet file (.xlsx) for documentation, statistical analysis, publications etc.

Gait phase specific foot pressure

For gait analysis, we want to focus the foot pressure analysis to just the stance phases of detected steps, and thereby automatically disregard any standing or other data portions not containing gait. To this end, the following parameters aggregate the foot pressure data measured by the OpenGo Sensor Insoles:

  • Mean during stance phase: Takes the mean pressure distribution of all step stance phases, and computes the average (for each of the 16 pressure sensors, separately).
  • Maximum during stance phase: Takes the mean pressure distribution of all steps’ stance phases, and computes the maximum (for each of the 16 pressure sensors, separately).

For analyzing specific parts of the ground contact phase, the following foot pressure distributions are calculated as average over all steps:

  • Initial contact: Pressure occurring in the middle of the loading response phase.
  • Mid stance: Pressure occurring at the end of the mid stance phase.
  • Terminal stance: Pressure occurring in the middle of combined terminal stance phase and pre-swing phase.

Overall foot pressure

In addition to the above pressure distributions which can be shown in widgets, the spreadsheet export provides two additional foot pressure distributions. They consider the full data of the measurement (not limited to steps), and are equal to their corresponding functions in the Analyze section of the OpenGo Software:

  • Mean: Mean pressure averaged over the entire measurement (for each of the 16 pressure sensors, separately).
  • Maximum: Maximum pressure occurring during the entire measurement  (for each of the 16 pressure sensors, separately).

Spreadsheet export of gait analysis results

All of the above foot pressure parameters are exported by the gait report spreadsheet export (sheet “Report data”, section “Pressure distribution”) for left and right, separately.

All values are given in N/cm².

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