April 2020

The Drop jump’s outcome parameters


Uncover athlete potential with Drop Jump insights. Explore reactive strength index, force-time curve, and more. Download parameter list for comprehensive analysis.
Drop Jump Tests outcomes for performance analysis

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The reactive strength index (RSI), is the primary outcome parameter of the Drop Jump (Fig-1, top left) and is an indicator for an athlete’s reactive strength capabilities. The RSI is made up of the rebound jump height (Fig-1, bottom left) and the ground contact time. High RSI values result from a high jump height and a short ground contact time. 

Besides these key metrics, there are other qualitative and quantitative parameters available for each ReGo test. For example, the force-time curve (Fig-1, right) is displayed separately for the left and right foot as well as for total force. 

Key outcomes of the drop jump
Fig-1: Some quantitative and qualitative outcome parameters of the ReGo Drop Jump.

Fill out the form on the right to receive a PDF document which contains a complete parameter list and parameter descriptions. The document also contains the test description and additional information as indicated in the ReGo Drop Jump article.

To find out more about the significance of the drop jump and what coaches can conclude from the test outcomes, read our blog post The Drop Jump Test – Relevance, Outcome Metrics and Tips for Athletic Training

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