The Congress
Taking place since 1996, the ICSS series is a legend among sports science conferences with a special focus on research in the field of winter sports and a very special chime of a high profile scientific contributions combined with outstanding outdoor and social events in a winter sport environment. The perfect event for exchanging latest research.
Moticon OpenGo
Moticon participates as Premium Sponsor and we will show new products and features for the OpenGo research product line on our booth. All attendees are welcome to stop by for a demo, discussions and exchanging ideas.
Special Workshop
Moticon will offer a special workshop about mobile data acquisition in the field for all attendees enthusiastic about biomechanical analysis and those who are just interested in top notch technology.
March 18th – 22nd 2023
Congress Venue
Hotel Alpine Palace, Reiterkogelweg 169, 5754 Hinterglemm, Austria