April 2020

The Counter Movement Jump’s outcome parameters


Primary outcome parameter in CMJ: jump height. ReGo system offers insights into force, timing, pressure, and load distribution pre-takeoff. Fill form for PDF with full parameter list and test details.
Lower Body Explosive Power Testing with Counter Movement Jump

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The most important Counter Movement Jump (CMJ) outcome parameter is jump height. However, the ReGo system delivers a variety of additional outcomes related to the force development in jumping, timing as well as pressure and load distribution which all indicate how the jump outcome formed prior to take off.

The example result widgets show the primary outcome of a CMJ, the jump height, without reference values (Fig-1, top left) and with reference values (Fig-1, bottom left). 

Counter Movement Jump Jump Height Explosive Leg Strength Testing
Fig-1: The Counter Movement Jump is used to assess lower body explosive power. The primary outcome parameter is jump height.

Besides numerical outcomes, a variety of qualitative outcomes, such as the vertical ground reaction force curve, are available for each ReGo test. In this case, force is shown from unweighting to landing in a CMJ (Fig-1, middle).

Another example for a qualitative outcome is the plantar pressure distribution, mostly shown with regards to particular phases of a motion sequence. In this case, it refers to the propulsion phase of a CMJ (Fig-1, right).

Fill out the form on the right to receive a PDF document which contains a complete parameter list and parameter descriptions. The document also contains the test description and additional information as indicated in the ReGo Counter Movement Jump article.

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