Januar 2023

A pioneering history

Moticon celebrates producing 10,000 sensor insoles! Join us as we reflect on our journey from pioneering beginnings to impactful research.

“10.000 sensor insoles made” – what a statement, we think.

In January 2023, our production team laser-marked the first 5-digit serial number on an OpenGo sensor insole in the Moticon factory based in Munich, Germany. The landmark sensor insoles eventually shipped to a customer in the United States for a clinical research project on gait characteristics in Parkinson’s disease patients.

Back in 2013, Moticon started pioneering the market for fully integrated in-shoe measurement systems with its first commercialized sensor insole model „Insole2“. Since then, and in particular since the „Insole3“ sensor insole generation was launched, a tremendous amount of customer success stories have been written and the number of high ranking publications is just another indicator of the breakout impact Moticon’s unique gait lab in the shoe has on research, training and therapy for the good of patients and athletes.

Enjoy some milestones of Moticon’s sensor insole production then and now! We are happy to knowing you stayed tuned to be part of an exiting journey for the next 10 years to come.

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