Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology

| 2023

Effects of age, body height, body weight, body mass index and handgrip strength on the trajectory of the plantar pressure stance-phase curve of the gait cycle

The analysis of gait patterns and plantar pressure distributions via insoles is increasingly used to monitor patients and treatment progress, such as recovery after surgeries. Despite the popularity of pedography, also known as baropodography, characteristic effects of anthropometric and other individual parameters on the trajectory of the stance phase curve of the gait cycle have not been previously reported. We hypothesized characteristic changes of age, body height, body weight, body mass index and handgrip strength on the plantar pressure curve trajectory during gait in healthy participants. Thirty-seven healthy women and men with an average age of 43.65 ± 17.59 years were fitted with Moticon OpenGO insoles equipped with 16 pressure sensors each. Data were recorded at a frequency of 100 Hz during walking at 4 km/h on a level treadmill for 1 minute. Data were processed via a custom-made step detection algorithm. The loading and unloading slopes as well as force extrema-based parameters were computed and characteristic correlations with the targeted parameters were identified via multiple linear regression analysis. Age showed a negative correlation with the mean loading slope. Body height correlated with Fmeanload and the loading slope. Body weight and the body mass index correlated with all analyzed parameters, except the loading slope. In addition, handgrip strength correlated with changes in the second half of the stance phase and did not affect the first half, which is likely due to stronger kick-off. However, only up to 46% of the variability can be explained by age, body weight, height, body mass index and hand grip strength. Thus, further factors must affect the trajectory of the gait cycle curve that were not considered in the present analysis. In conclusion, all analyzed measures affect the trajectory of the stance phase curve. When analyzing insole data, it might be useful to correct for the factors that were identified by using the regression coefficients presented in this paper.


analysis of gait patterns, plantar pressure distributions, sensor insoles, pedography, baropodography

Institution / Department

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarbrücken, Germany

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